Portrait of G. A. Potemkin of Tauride by Johann Baptist Lampi

Portrait of G. A. Potemkin of Tauride by Johann Baptist Lampi

Potemkin – the famous figure of the Catherine era. He was born in the village of Chizhev, near Smolensk, early lost his father, raised by his mother, later a stats lady, in Moscow, where he attended the school of Litkel in the German Quarter, showing curiosity and ambition from childhood.

In July 1757, joining the Moscow University, among the top 12 students was presented to the Empress Elizabeth, but then healed and was expelled from the university “for not walking.” Back in 1755, recorded in the Reiters of the Horse Guards, Potemkin under Peter III was a sergeant. Participation in the coup d’état of June 28, 1762 drew the attention of Empress Catherine II to Potemkin; he was made a chamber junker.

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