Portrait of a courtesan by Vittorio Carpaccio

Portrait of a courtesan by Vittorio Carpaccio

The genre of the portrait was not close to Carpaccio. He almost did not address him, and therefore even those portraits that are attributed to him, some researchers tend to redirect to “other masters.

Here are two portraits for which the authorship of Carpaccio is established more or less accurately. This is the Portrait of the Courtesan “and the Portrait of Doge Loredana.” The latter work is interesting in that there is a portrait of the doge of Loredana and a brush by Giovanni Bellini, dated 1501. On him the doge is already depicted as an absolutely old man.

Our hero is still somewhat younger. Comparison “of the doge ages to a certain extent helps to determine when Carpaccio wrote this picture. Most critics agree that it should be attributed to the beginning or the middle of the 1490. As for the portrait of the courtesan,” here the opinions differ. Moreover, it is difficult to say even whether Karpaccio is really the author of this picture.