Peasant family near his house by Thomas Gainsborough

Peasant family near his house by Thomas Gainsborough

It is known that Gainsborough wrote with equal interest and love as representatives of the high society of England, and people from the people, peasants.

Looking at this picture, it involuntarily seems that this house is located in a deep dense forest and how can one live here? But look, through the trunks of trees a clear space is visible, so there is a village. And here, among the old, warped trees and twigs, there is a small house, and next to it there is a family – a father, a mother and small children, with a baby in the arms of the mother.

Probably, it’s not easy for these people to live here, far from people, but for some reason I want to believe that they are surrounded by silence, birds singing, clean forest air, and most importantly – the beauty of this place!