In a peasant hut on the stove bench, a seriously ill man, a family support, a worker. In the corner, in front of the icons, the wife is on her

In a peasant hut on the stove bench, a seriously ill man, a family support, a worker. In the corner, in front of the icons, the wife is on her
Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov is a Russian artist, a famous genre painter. His great desire was to study the poor Russian village, to depict it on the canvas, to show the
The picture “Grandma’s Tales” is striking in its authenticity, the veracity of the image. The artist, himself a native of the village, as no one else knew and understood the
What was required from the girl in the XIX century? To be humble, have good manners and a minimum of knowledge gained from the houredricans hired for home schooling. The
Vasily Maximov was born and grew up in an ordinary peasant family. He knew firsthand about the life of the Russian countryside, about heavy peasant labor, about folk traditions and
One of the best works of the late Wanderer Vasily Maximov. In his work, he invariably relied on two pillars – genre and authenticity. The genre painter, as art critics
The work of the sculptor’s apprenticeship of the Academy of Arts is a repetition version of the work of the Italian sculptor A. Tarsi located in the Hermitage. Apollo is