Landscape in Suffolk by Thomas Gainsborough

Landscape in Suffolk by Thomas Gainsborough

Landscape has always been the favorite genre of Gainsborough. Over time, he resigned himself to the fact that landscape painting can not become a source of livelihood for him, and still in difficult moments he confessed to friends: “I’m tired of portraits, I’m already sick of them.” How would I like to leave for some a deaf village and write there nature in silence and peace. “

The master loved to write from nature and was able to accurately capture on the canvas all the details of the landscape, from the stormy sky and ending with a drenched road after the rain, – an illustration of this can serve as a wonderful Gainsbourg “Landscape with a cart.” Nevertheless, he did not at all strive to make his paintings become an exact cast from that or other particular landscape.

Early landscapes Gainsborough wrote in the Rococo style. This is, for example, “Landscape in Suffolk.” By their decorative features, these works differ markedly from everything created by the artist later in the genre of landscape. In the mature landscapes of Gainsborough, traces of study from old masters are noticeable – first of all, by Rubens. The influence of Rubens is particularly noticeable in the painting “Cornard Forest”.