Introduction of Mary in the Temple by Titian Vecellio

Introduction of Mary in the Temple by Titian Vecellio

Painting by artist Tiziano Vecellio “Introduction to the Temple.” The size of the painting is 345 x 775 cm, canvas, oil. The composition “Introduction to the Temple” stands as if on the verge of two periods in Titian’s work and emphasizes their inner connection.

In comparison with the “Madonna Pesaro” this is the next step in the mastery of the image of the group stage. Bright and strong characters act in all their certainty and form an integral group united by a common interest in the event. Clear at first sight, the whole composition is perfectly combined with a detailed narrative about the event.

Titian consistently switches the attention of viewers from relatives and friends of the family of Mary to a crowd of curious people, given the background of a stately landscape, and then to the little rising ladder figure of the girl Maria, who for a moment stopped on the steps of the temple.

In this case, the platform of the stairs on which it stands, as it were, creates a pause in the upward steps, corresponding to a pause in the movement of Maria herself. Finally, the composition ends with the majestic figures of the high priest and his companions. The whole picture is permeated with the spirit of festivity and a sense of the significance of the event.

The image of an old woman with a basket of eggs full of vital nationality is typical for a number of works by the artist of the 1930s, as well as the image of a servant who rummages in a chest in the picture “Venus of Urbino.” In this way Titian introduces a note of immediate vital naturalness, softening the majestic elevation of his compositions.