This picture brought Frederick the first admirers and first critics. The owner of Tetchen Castle in the Czech Republic ordered it to the artist, so she was later named “Tetchensky

This picture brought Frederick the first admirers and first critics. The owner of Tetchen Castle in the Czech Republic ordered it to the artist, so she was later named “Tetchensky
The painting was painted as a steam room to the canvas “Rural Landscape in the Morning Light”. In both works, the theme of time, which always fascinated Friedrich, is heard.
Two travelers walk through the twilight among evergreen pines. Their figures are so small that they can not even be understood – men are either women, elders or boys. As
Until 1807, when Frederick began to paint with oil, his main technique was sepia. This technique Friedrich took, apparently in Dresden, taking it from artists such as Adrian Tsigg and