We greet you, Maria by Paul Gauguin

We greet you, Maria by Paul Gauguin

The artist created many paintings on religious themes, but at the same time treated them not as an adherent of Christianity, but as his creative imagination wanted, not restrained by any canons. “Ave, Maria” is a painting in which pagan mysticism is clearly visible, and the work, though it contains biblical motives, but, to a considerable extent, offends the feelings of true believers.

Female figures located at a distance, cause associations with the plot of the worship of the Magi, and the image of the Angel hidden in the bushes, which is difficult to consider, is related to the theme of the Annunciation, which proclaims the coming to the world of the Savior.

To depict the main Divine images, which can only be ascertained by the presence of haloes, Gauguin took local black-skinned Tahitians, and the Catholic Church, until 1951, strictly prohibited the depiction of biblical stories that did not correspond to the European anthropological type.

Almost usual story for Gauguin’s storyline, where there is a lot of mystery, mysticism and mystery.

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