As a beginning artist, Lautrec occasionally wrote for the exercise a man’s naked nature. But he was much more successful in depicting naked women. The female body of Lautrec looks

As a beginning artist, Lautrec occasionally wrote for the exercise a man’s naked nature. But he was much more successful in depicting naked women. The female body of Lautrec looks
No other artist has caused as many mockery in Paris as Toulouse-Lautrec. He was called the dwarf of world painting – due to low growth, a fairie and brawler –
Lautrec constantly drew. Some of his drawings can be considered as completed works, but most of them are sketches for future paintings and lithographs – such as this “quick” study
“Salon in Mulen Street” is another work that opens the door to the world of a fallen society that does not condemn its foundations, but also does not idealize the
Lautrec worked more and more fruitfully. He enthusiastically painted the picture behind the picture – the scenes in “Elise-Montmartre”, portraits, sketches from dancers and clowns. In the autumn he painted
Lautrec wrote several paintings claiming the title of masterpieces, and one of these works is “Clowness Sha-Yu-Kao.” The time of popularity has come, his talent becomes recognized and the young
In the Moulin Rouge, Lautrec could not take his eyes off Jane Avril, a small, beautiful, fragile woman with the sad face of a “fallen angel,” with a melancholy gaze
Thanks to the posters, the advertising cabaret “Moulin Rouge”, Toulouse-Lautrec came to fame. With his natural instinct, he unerringly guessed the person who should be portrayed on the poster, so
In early 1895, Lautrec led two new visitors to the Irish and American Bar: English dancer Mei Milton, close friend Jane Avril, and Irish singer May Belfort. One day, Lautrec
The Barnes Foundation, Marion, Pennsylvania. Lautrec tirelessly wrote. And he drank too, tirelessly. Fucking like a cockerel, he flaunted his dissolute life, cynically carelessly brushing aside the mores of Bourges,
Montmartre really attracted less and less Lautrec. Now he was in various parts of Paris. In the autumn he took his friends to the Folies-Berger, where American dancer Loy Füller
“Jardin de Paris” very soon became the most fashionable place in the city, because there “they smoked in a big way”. Oller provided for its visitors entertainment for all tastes:
New dances, appearing in the 1890s, enjoyed a frenzied success among the Parisians. Lautrec, keen on them no less than others, tried, without delaying the cases in a long box,
The perspective of the “Jane Avril”, performed as a poster, announcing the performance of the famous dancers of the cancan, and recalls the style of Edgar Degas, an artist highly
Before the exacerbation of the disease, the artist painted a picture of “Toilet”, which is among his last works. Many believe that here, as in the many canvases of Toulouse-Lautrec,