The Resurrection of Christ by Albrecht Altdorfer

The Resurrection of Christ by Albrecht Altdorfer

Ultramarine, cinnabar, carmine, emerald green, golden-yellow tones are endowed with luminous force, the colors are superimposed, then it is so light that it shines through the underpaintings, sometimes as if melt, sometimes painted with quick open strokes.

Particularly remarkable are the night scenes, where the elements of fantastic night lighting dominate; glare of light, applied by long strokes, flow along the uneven surface of the rocks, glide along the crest of folds, flash in the reddish flame of torches, reflected on metal armor. As a phantasmagoria of the fabulous, surreal element of light, the Resurrection of Christ appears, where the radiance that flares up around the head of Christ, as it melts, turns into streams of fiery, golden-red lava the clouds that cover the high sky.

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