Surrealistic composition by Salvador Dali

Surrealistic composition by Salvador Dali

In the endless blue sky rushes, like the boardwalk or deck of an aircraft carrier, the road marked on the strip. According to it, strictly along the dashed guides, white amorphous bodies of soft outlines move upward and upward. Having reached a certain point, they soar up, becoming even more formless, like drops of water in weightlessness.

On this strange path, they are accompanied by letters and numbers, which, at first, also line up strictly in rank, but along with weightlessness they gain freedom of movement. From horizontal to vertical, from order to chaos, from regulation to freedom, this is the vector of motion in this picture. In addition to the white drop-shaped bodies, there are two human figures on the canvas.

In the sky a man’s torso hovers with the channels of the circulatory system, drawn on the skin. In the lowest part of the “deck” is a conditionally female body. It seems broken and lifeless. The rectangular fragment of the road along which the white droplets move is also striated by veins of the circulatory system: red, blue, yellow. At the top of the picture in the sky you can see a small gray bar. Dali several times renamed this picture.

In the original version, it was called “Surrealistic composition”, later the author gave it the name “Raft of a freshman”, then renamed “Meat of a festive chicken”; now she is in the Salvador Dalí Theater Museum in Figueres and is called “Inaugural Goose Skin”.

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