Springtime by Claude Monet

Springtime by Claude Monet

Beautiful work and a little dissimilar to all of his work. How breathes this painting spring! How amazing it is quick and surprisingly easy to the eye, and then adds a fantasy story that can be it would be real.

Imagine that here in this garden bloomed cherry met two beings, but not simple. Let’s imagine that in this kindergarten met the spring and summer. We sat down in the shade and have decided to talk about, something to remember, something to advise. Yes Do what few can talk to two young beauties. Spring already did their best and it shows in the garden, but only fly to work.

Monet as it specifically encourages us to roughly the story, not the person portraying the interlocutors.

We literally see that the two of them discuss and talk about everything. Rest and do not hurry. And where’s the hurry? On the green grass so well rested, spring air clears the lungs as well, after the long winter. Spring says that the time to change and correct, and the summer thinking about what he will be engaged in and asks what needs to be done immediately and what to leave for later. Such a meeting is not often the case, so you need to have time to discuss everything, to talk about everything, all the time to talk and not to forget something important and necessary.

That’s what tells a fantasy. Although it could be just a meeting of two lovers in the cherry garden or meeting his brother and sister. There are many options, the main thing that the artist was able to convey a surprising vital spring mood, which is so often lacking for people in difficult urban life.

Monet did at this time he moved away from his chosen style – Impressionism – although not so far-and then departed in principle. To portray the reality, the truth at the same time gave us, the viewers, to imagine the beauty and wonder.

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