Portrait of Michael Wolgemut by Albrecht Durer

Portrait of Michael Wolgemut by Albrecht Durer

Michael Wolgemuth was the first teacher of the painting of the great German artist Albrecht Durer. Many years later, becoming a famous master, Durer expressed his gratitude to the teacher. Wolgemut was already in his eighties when a great German artist painted this portrait.

Anton Koberger – the famous publisher and owner of a large printing house in Nuremberg – noticed in his godson, young Albrecht Durer, a craving for drawing and brought him to the workshop of Wolgemut.

Wohlgemut did not suspect that by his consent he had forever secured a place in history, much more durable than all his altars, church stained-glass windows and drawings for engravings. He entered it forever, as the first teacher of Albrecht Durer.

Michael Wolgemuth was a famous artist of his time and, although he worked in an old manner, he acquainted his students with the new trends of Italian and Dutch painting. He became famous as an illustrator of the famous “Nuremberg Chronicle”, for which 1809 engravings were made in his workshop.

Durer was a talented student and in the workshop of Volgemut worked a lot on engravings for the “Nuremberg Chronicle”. This caused envy, he even recorded in his diary: “Oh and I got it from his apprentices…” And his teacher was proud to have witnessed the rapid success of his former student.

Porter Michael Wolgemut Ball was written in 1516 and the teacher of the famous master was already old. We see in the portrait and sunken sad eyes, and thin skin… Durer does not depict the deplorable state of man, he admires the indomitable spirit of the teacher, his pensive face and the eyes of the artist. The portrait is full of love and respect.

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