Portrait of M. V. Lomonosov by Leonty Miropolsky

Portrait of M. V. Lomonosov by Leonty Miropolsky

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, his name is known to every citizen of Russia since childhood. A peasant youth, at 19 he came from the cold of the Archangel villages to Moscow to study. Then the classic will say: “He created the first University. He, rather, he was our first University.” A. S. Pushkin. His genius and truly encyclopedic knowledge obeyed equally humanities and natural sciences.

The Kunstkamera is the only building of St. Petersburg that has survived to the present day and is associated with the name of Lomonosov, which remembers the sound of its steps. Here he worked, made great discoveries. He was engaged in the description and systematization of the collection of the first Russian museum. Today, rising to the tower of the Kunstkamera, you can look into the office of the scientist.

The tools of the scientist of that time remind him little of his modern “arsenal”, but it was in this study that the first Russian scientist made possible the further great achievements of national science.

The portrait of Lomonosov and the images of his contemporaries reveal the faces of a distant era, a time of love of knowledge, when science was born in its modern sense. There are portraits here executed in the Lomonosov mosaic workshop. It was he who not only revived the lost secrets of ancient art, but also created new varieties of smalt. Without it, the new flourishing of mosaic craftsmanship, whose works adorn the remarkable monuments of St. Petersburg architecture, would not have been possible.

Heavy volumes on dark wood shelves, a globe, retorts, an incendiary instrument lens. The decoration of the room is created by objects that came from the XVIII century. Genuine painting and sculpture, furniture. They brought here the memory of the era and recreated its atmosphere here. “Little Russian born” Leonty Semenovich Miropolsky – one of the talented students of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts of the third quarter of the nineteenth century – studied in the portrait painting class under the direction of D. G. Levitsky.

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