Portrait of Khanka Zborovska by Amadeo Modigliani

Portrait of Khanka Zborovska by Amadeo Modigliani

Painter, draftsman, sculptor, Amadeo Modigliani studied at the art school in Livorno under G. Pickella, then in Florence and Venice. In 1906 he settled in Paris, where his work was greatly influenced by the art of Cezanne, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Matisse.

The artist got into a fertile creative environment. After becoming acquainted with the art of Africa, Modigliani turned to sculpture. Passion for African plasticity was reflected in the painting, helped to develop the characteristic “modilianievsky” type of portrait. After 1915 in the manner of the master cubist techniques are felt.

In the paintings of 1918-1919, the lines, the shape that dominate against the background of a soft color palette, take on special significance. Most of the artist’s pictorial heritage is occupied by portraits and “naked”, in which Modigliani conveys the inner world of the model not only through her face, but also through the whole figure, her plastics. Among the famous works is the “Portrait of Khanka Zborovskaya.” Uh

This is a typical Modigliani portrait, freely stylized, in which the proportions of the figures are elongated, the shapes are outlined with a gently curved outline. Almond-shaped eyes, filled with blue tone, give the image a special mystery. The appearance of the model is covered with tender sadness, light melancholy. Other famous works: “Portrait of Jeanne Hebuthern”. 1919; “Reclining Nude”. 1920; “Big Nude”. 1917. Museum of Modern Art, New York.

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