Portrait of a Lady by Alessandro Allori

Portrait of a Lady by Alessandro Allori

A painting by Florentine artist Alessandro Allori “Portrait of a Lady”. The size of the picture is 95 x 73 cm, canvas, oil. By the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century, the aesthetic ideals of Mannerism reveal their non-viability. Such a result of the development of Mannerism is natural; its representatives failed to build new ways in art.

Living in an era of tremendous socio-economic upheavals, they, naturally, had to solve new problems in their creative work that were not so acute to the masters of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th centuries: the tragedy of life’s collisions, the relationship between man and the environment, the contradictory complexity of his inner world, and so on.

This brings into the art of painters and sculptors elements that are not typical of the Italian art of the preceding periods, for example, elements of psychologism in the maneistical portrait. Painter Alessandro Allori was rightfully considered a master of fine psychological portrait, an example of this can serve as this painting by the artist “Portrait of a Lady.”

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