Naval battle in the harbor of Naples by Peter Brueghel

Naval battle in the harbor of Naples by Peter Brueghel

Painting “Sea battle in the harbor of Naples” or “Neapolitan harbor”. The artist’s earliest pictorial and graphic works combine Alpine and Italian impressions and motives of native nature, artistic principles of Dutch painting and some Italian manneristic features.

In all these works, the desire to transform a small picture into a grandiose panorama is evident, for example, the Neapolitan Harbor, The Fall of Icarus, and the drawings engraved by Hieronymus Kok. The earliest works of Peter Brueghel – landscape drawings, some of which recorded subtle observations of nature, in others, practiced and studied the techniques of landscape painting of Venetians and other northern masters of the older generation, such as Herrie Met de Bles and Joachim Patinir.

It is this combination of direct direct observation with conditional formulas and creates the effect of the inexplicable attraction of Brueghel’s paintings. The artist viewed the landscape not just as a decoration, but as an arena on which a human drama unfolds.

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