Motherland by Vladimir Feldman

Motherland by Vladimir Feldman

Feldman Vladimir Petrovich – a famous artist in the genre of military art. His youth came at a time when everyone was summoned to the front. It’s not strange that most of his military-themed paintings. One of such works is “Motherland”. It was written in the fifties. And although the war is already over, but its echoes for a long time will be reflected in the paintings of many artists.

In his painting “Motherland” Vladimir Feldman portrayed a soldier who returns after a long-awaited victory home. He passes his native place and can not, so as not to stop and not admire them. The war has taught many to cherish what they have and carefully treats everything. The painting depicts late autumn. The trees are already completely bare, and the grass is yellow-yellow.

There are a lot of white clouds in the sky, because of which the sun can not seem at all. But this does not bother the soldier at all. He leaned against his native birch tree, and thanks the Lord that he was alive. He will soon return to his home, embrace his wife and children and they will live long and happily. It is at this moment that there is nothing more beautiful for him than this autumn day. He is dressed in a soldier’s uniform, a warm coat, and on his back is a backpack with personal belongings. The face expresses joy and sorrow at the same time. Yes, he is alive and back, but how many people, how many his friends will never see this beauty.

Perhaps it was the author who painted himself on this canvas. Once he returned from the battlefield to his native place. Looking at this picture, just tears come up, because because of the whims of several non-humans, destinies collapse. And I really want all the deaths that happened then to be justified, and that our generation and the rest about the war only knew from history. May peace and tranquility always exist on earth.

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