Martyrdom of St. Peter by Giovanni Bellini

Martyrdom of St. Peter by Giovanni Bellini

Bellini was always receptive to new ideas and trends in painting, which his pupils “delivered” to him in abundance. Being an excellent teacher and generously sharing the secrets of his skill, he followed with great interest the work of young artists. He took a lot of Bellini from Giorgione, one of the most talented of his students.

Giorgione’s creative heritage is rather small, but very unusual. His “dreamy pictures” influenced many contemporary artists – and, in particular, Bellini. “A young woman with a mirror,” written in 1515, just before the death of the master, is one of Giorgione’s most intimate manner in Bellini’s works. Another famous pupil of Bellini, Titian, also gave a lot to his mentor. Under his influence, Bellini’s works were “added” in dynamics, they had a pronounced narrative element. An example of this is the painting “The Martyrdom of St. Peter”, 1509.

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