Louise Hammond by Angelika Kaufman

Louise Hammond by Angelika Kaufman

Painting of the Swiss master of neo-classicism painting Angelika Kaufman “Louise Hammond”. The size of the picture is 33 x 26 cm, copper, oil.

Creativity of Angelika Kaufman, extremely popular at the time of the artist, attracted high-ranking customers from different countries of Europe, including Russia, where her work became famous thanks to Prince NB Yusupov, an amateur and connoisseur of art, who showered the artist with generous orders. The Hermitage stores eleven paintings Kaufman.

Creativity of the artist Angelika Kaufman and her fame as a portrait master were known not only in Western Europe, but also in Russia at the end of the 18th century, in 1798 an outstanding Russian poet Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin wrote an ode to Angelica Kauffman.

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