Icon of Our Lady of Kursk

Icon of Our Lady of Kursk

The icon is one of the lists with the miraculous image of the “Our Lady of the Sign of the Kursk-Root”. According to the legend, this icon, repeating the iconography of the “Novgorod Sign”, was found on September 8, 1295 near Kursk in the forest at the root of the tree, so the icon is often called “Korean” or “indigenous”.

On the site of finding the icon, a spring was jammed, a chapel was set up, and later a monastery known as the Root Desert was founded. In 1597, the icon was moved to Moscow, where, by the order of Tsar Fedor Ioannovich, a gilded silver frame with the image of the Sabaoth and the Old Testament prophets with scrolls was made for the icon. In 1615, the icon was returned from Moscow to Kursk and placed in the city cathedral. An annual religious procession was established with an icon from Kursk to the place of its appearance in the Root Desert. The veneration of the Kursk miraculous image from the local gradually turned into an all-Russian one. Exact lists Kursk icons were in the royal palaces of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Since the end of the XVII century. there were special lists for accompanying in the campaigns of Orthodox soldiers.

In 1812, the list with the miraculous Kursk icon, along with Smolensk, was miraculously present in the army of Prince Kutuzov and overshadowed the army during the Battle of Borodino. At present, the miraculous image, which stayed until 1918 in Kursk, is located in the Znamensky Church of New York and spends one month in the New Korennaya Desert. there were special lists for accompanying in the campaigns of Orthodox soldiers. In 1812, the list with the miraculous Kursk icon, along with Smolensk, was miraculously present in the army of Prince Kutuzov and overshadowed the army during the Battle of Borodino.

At present, the miraculous image, which stayed until 1918 in Kursk, is located in the Znamensky Church of New York and spends one month in the New Korennaya Desert. there were special lists for accompanying in the campaigns of Orthodox soldiers. In 1812, the list with the miraculous Kursk icon, along with Smolensk, was miraculously present in the army of Prince Kutuzov and overshadowed the army during the Battle of Borodino. At present, the miraculous image, which stayed until 1918 in Kursk, is located in the Znamensky Church of New York and spends one month in the New Korennaya Desert.

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