Feast of Saint Isidro (Romería) by Francisco de Goya

Feast of Saint Isidro (Romería) by Francisco de Goya

This painting no one ordered the artist, he wrote it for his own pleasure. She portrayed romery – a folk festival in honor of St. Isidro, the patron saint of the capital.

The merry festivities on the meadow near the monastery of St. Isidro were the favorite entertainment of the inhabitants of Madrid; and he, Francisco, about the last safe resolution of his burden, Josef, arranged a meadow in front of the temple banquet for three hundred people; invited, according to custom, listened to the mass and treated to a turkey.

The image of such festivals has long attracted the artists of Madrid. Romarya was also written by Goya himself ten years ago. But it was not a real festive fun, but the cheerful gaiety of the cavaliers and the ladies in masks; Now he painted a spontaneous, unbridled joy of his and his Madrid.

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