Evening in the Steppe by Pavel Kuznetsov

Evening in the Steppe by Pavel Kuznetsov

One of the leading masters of the “Blue Rose”, P. V. Kuznetsov in 1912-1913 traveled to Central Asia, bringing from the trip memories of the life of Eastern peoples and work, capturing much of what he saw. In the painting “Evening in the Steppe” the artist painted a scene from the life of Kyrgyz nomads.

Women are engaged in daily affairs, sheep are peacefully grazing, peace and quiet are poured around. The resting nature and man are in a harmonious unity. In the composition there are no unnecessary details: only the earth, the sky, thin trees, several sheep and two female figures, enveloped in soft light; There are no specific topographical or ethnic characteristics, so the boundaries of the depicted are expanded to universal scales. The space is approaching convention, light broad swabs seem to convey his calm and even breathing.

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