Avenue of parrots in the Amsterdam Zoo by Max Lieberman

Avenue of parrots in the Amsterdam Zoo by Max Lieberman

Lieberman is rightly considered the leading representative of impressionism not only in France, where this trend originated and flourished, but also outside it. The application of the main ideas of this direction is especially noticeable in the painting “Alley of parrots in the Amsterdam Zoo”, created in the open air. The canvas marked a turning point in the work of the German artist – after him the manner of writing of Lieberman changed radically.

The painter looked at city landscapes in a different way: he found in them his own inner rhythm and romance. The works began to play with bright and cheerful colors; light modeling was performed using color.

The main heroes of the canvas are not citizens at all, as it may seem at first glance, but the colorful parrots sitting on poles along a park path. Lieberman uses sweeping dynamic strokes to depict birds of various colors and breeds. The picture is dominated by background green, white and beige colors.

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